By having a robust supply chain management system in place, JKP is able to ensure the continuity of supply to its customers, even in a globalised market where raw materials and products can be sourced from various locations. This helps to minimize disruptions to the supply chain and keep lead times to a minimum. The QA and inspection facilities within the warehouse also help to ensure that the products delivered to customers meet the required standards and specifications. This level of control and attention to detail helps to build trust and confidence in JKP as a reliable supplier, creating strong and long-lasting partnerships with customers.

Our storage and transportation services for your stock can create room for the expansion of your product line and offer a number of benefits for your company. By allowing us to store and transport your stock, you can build a broader range of products for the consumer, increasing sales and reach. You only pay once a product is sold, giving you a better understanding of your merchandise popularity and market. With the ability to store a large amount of stock, you will never run out and lose customers due to order or waiting times. Our transportation services also cut out time-consuming tasks and offer a more cost-effective solution.